Yesterday we held our 2nd annual Art Paint-in for the neighborhood kids. We converted our kitchen into an art studio and pulled out the art supplies. I showed them some ideas and then let them go wild! There was incredible enthusiasm, and one of the little boys exclaimed, “I really am an ARTIST!
I had tried out some of these project ideas with some of my painter and writer friends a couple of days before. The reactions were remarkably similar from this older group of friends! It makes me smile to realize that all you need to release creativity is offer an open, encouraging environment, provide materials, demonstrate a few ideas, and then the group excitement and activity becomes contagious. My role simply becomes sort of a cheerleader, and much of it is simply staying out of the way. Too much of “me” would not allow enough of each individual to pursue their own experience. A little interaction, a lot of enthusiastic (and genuine) appreciation is all that is needed. Oh, and a little encouragement to bring out the quiet one....and a gentle reminder to the over-enthusiastic to share the materials.